Selasa, 08 April 2014

Jmovie review : I Have To Buy New Shoes - Another realistic Japanese movie

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So, it's all about romance <3 , well, if you a fan of action, thriller, horror, or kind of that movie, I definetly not recomend this movie for you.

The story is about a freelancer writer Aoi  Teshigahara who live in Paris, France. And one day, she met Sen Yagami, a photographer, a Japanese tourist who lost in Paris. He actually go to Paris with his sister, but when they arrived, his sister just runaway from him and go to her boyfriend place.

Just a cliche prologue, and a cliche story by the way. But, well you know about Japanesse romance, right? :p
This movie give us experience about loneliness. About a woman, who live alone, and lonely. And then one day, a man give her a colorful day. Just a little time, but really worth it. And the issue about love with age gap - 12 years- when a woman is older than man.

This movie is kind of slow, and quiet. Realistic romantic, just like that. But it is so sweet and simple too. I love the ending. I can't say it was a happy end or sad end. I called it a realistic ending. Just because some days they spend together, doesn't mean their love should be together...

Anyway I love the soundtrack. The sound of piano.... It emphasize the loneliness feeling :'(

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